UNFPA South Sudan newsletter quarter 2 front cover
Dear esteemed readers and partners, UNFPA South Sudan brings you the second quarter Newsletter for the year 2024 which covers the months of April, May and June. This is a collection of stories highlighting the UNFPA Country Office’s response as it works around the Humanitarian, Development, and Peace Nexus.
Displaced women in Mali listen to midwife Aissata Traore, who is raising awareness on preventing mother-to-child transmission.
Global Affairs Canada has pledged US$7.2 million to UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, to respond to severe humanitarian needs in 13 countries across sub-Saharan Africa. The contribution will strengthen UNFPA’s sexual and reproductive health and rights efforts in the region over the next two years.
DSRSG/RC/HC Ms Kiki Anita Ghebo engaging with youth at Scenius Hub
“Work hard and believe in yourselves”, in a session with the young people on “Youth engagement in development and humanitarian discourse in South Sudan”, Ms Anita Gbeho Kiki, the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General/ Resident Coordinator/ Humanitarian Coordinator, delivered this powerful message to the youth at Scenius hub, Juba.

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