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Multiple factors, including religious and cultural barriers, social stigma, and limited access to the right information on Menstrual Health Management have contributed to poor Menstrual Health Management and ultimately limited access to Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) services to young girls and women in South Sudan.

To achieve results from isolation to accepting the use of reusable pads and empowering every woman and girl of reproductive age with the right knowledge and tools to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), recently, Shabab Le Shabab Health Alliance reached out to the young Catholic Sisters convent from the Catholic Diocese of Juba with Menstrual; Hygiene Management -MHM services, providing reusable pads and MHM information.

Religious and Social behavior change, and positive norm building are critical components of building a healthy and safe society with the aim of Leaving No One Behind. Working with religious women groups Increases their wealth of knowledge and promotes positive development in providing right-based information, values, and attitudes.