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UNFPA South Sudan Newsletter - Quarter 1 2024

UNFPA South Sudan Newsletter - Quarter 1 2024
UNFPA South Sudan Newsletter - Quarter 1 2024


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UNFPA South Sudan


UNFPA South Sudan Newsletter - Quarter 1 2024

Publication date

10 April 2024

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Message from the Country Representative

Esteemed readers and partners.


I am pleased to present UNFPA South Sudan’s first quarter Newsletter for 2024.

This edition reflects on a few highlights of the past few months’ work (January to March) that we have accomplished in the key areas of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls and sexual reproductive health and rights, in both      development and humanitarian contexts.

We started this quarter on a good note where the country witnessed the graduation of the first batch of self-sponsored nurses and midwives, a milestone collectively arrived at with our partners. Self-sponsorship is a journey  towards building a self-reliant and sustainable health sector.

Our support  for women’s participation in male-dominated sports has been a key initiative for us, as we strongly believe that sports including rugby has the power to break gender stereotypes, promote gender equality, and to empower women and girls by providing equal opportunities. We have seen the incredible potential of girls in sports, as sports has  also been  a tool for empowerment and leadership.

The intergenerational dialogue with key female personalities within the government was another  unique way to celebrate Valentine’s Day. UNFPA created a platform for high-profile government female leaders and the young generation to share their perspectives on key issues as the older generation lended an ear, shared their wisdom, and showed love and support towards the younger ones. The wisdom from Right Hon. Nunu Kumba, the Speaker of the Revitalized National Legislative Assembly, Hon. Angelina Teny, Minister of Interior, Hon. Deborah Akech, Undersecretary in the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and Hon. Yar Telar Ring Deng representing the Youth in Parliament and other dignitaries empowered the young people about the wider concept of Love.

The humanitarian needs in South Sudan still call for action. UNFPA has continued to deliver life-saving services, ensuring safe births amidst multiple challenges. Women and girls affected by crisis live in despair but UNFPA and partners are restoring their hopes through life skills offered at the Women and Girls Friendly Spaces (WGFS) and One Stop Centers that offer services to survivors of sexual/ gender-based violence.

I thank the government of the Republic of South Sudan, our donors, and partners for their efforts and collaboration for the well-being of women, girls, and young people, as well as the wider society.