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What we do

What we do

What we do

In December 2013, violence broke out in South Sudan’s capital, Juba, and spread rapidly across the country.

Even before the crisis, the country had one of the highest maternal death rates in the world. The conflict has further deteriorated the health system, leaving many pregnant women without access to basic care.

UNFPA and partners are providing life-saving reproductive health services to populations affected by the crisis, and are working to establish mechanisms to prevent and address gender-based violence.

For the most up-to-date information, please see Situation Reports.

Key Results

South Sudan

Adolescent-friendly Sexual and reproductive health services

Quality assured, adolescent-friendly sexual and reproductive health services were provided in at least 25 per cent of public health facilities

South Sudan

Health services for sexual violence survivors

Essential health services were provided for survivors of sexual violence by at least 60 per cent of public health facilities

South Sudan

Sexual and reproductive health/HIV index

A sexual and reproductive health/HIV integration index was applied

South Sudan

Midwifery curricula: international standards

Midwifery schools followed the national pre-service curriculum based on international standards

South Sudan

Supply chain management strategy

A costed supply chain management strategy was in place, taking into account the UNFPA/WHO implementation guide on ensuring rights-based contraceptive delivery

South Sudan

Logistics management information system

A logistics management information system was used for forecasting and monitoring sexual and reproductive health commodities

South Sudan

Sexual and reproductive health indicators available

Sexual and reproductive health indicators were collected periodically, and made publically available

South Sudan

Maternal death notification

At least 25 per cent of the estimated maternal deaths were notified

South Sudan

Rights of marginalized groups

Intervention models or strategies to empower marginalized and excluded groups to exercise their reproductive rights were rolled out

South Sudan

Multi-sector platforms

Platforms were established for dialogue on reproductive rights, fully engaging civil society, including faith-based and state actors

South Sudan

Gender-based violence platform

A national mechanism to engage multiple stakeholders to prevent and address gender-based violence was in place

South Sudan

Data on gender-based violence

National systems were in place to collect and disseminate data on the incidence of gender-based violence

South Sudan

Population projections

Publically available population projections at national and subnational levels, disaggregated by age, sex, location were generated

South Sudan

Fistula treatment


Fistula repair surgeries provided with the support of UNFPA

South Sudan

Minimum Initial Services Package


Health service providers and managers were trained on the minimum initial service package

South Sudan

Life skills programmes for girls


Marginalized girls were reached with health, social and economic asset-building programmes

South Sudan

Advocacy platforms against harmful social norms


Communities developed advocacy platforms to eliminate discriminatory gender and sociocultural norms which affect women and girls

South Sudan

Child, early and forced marriage


Girls received, with support from UNFPA, prevention, protection services, and/or care related to child, early, and forced marriage

South Sudan

Community declarations on harmful practices


Communities made public declarations to eliminate harmful practices, with support from UNFPA, including child, early and forced marriage and female genital mutilation

What we do

UNFPA works in more than 150 countries and territories that are home to the vast majority of the world’s people. Its mission: to ensure that every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled.

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UNFPA South Sudan OiC

UNFPA South Sudan OiC

Ms Suzanna Mandong


Suzanne Ngo-Mandong was posted as Officer-in-Charge in the UNFPA Office in South Sudan on 30 January 2025
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