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CONDOMIZE! South Sudan campaign to Condomize! The moonlight approach in targeted bars

CONDOMIZE! South Sudan campaign to Condomize! The moonlight approach in targeted bars


CONDOMIZE! South Sudan campaign to Condomize! The moonlight approach in targeted bars

calendar_today 25 January 2023

CONDOMIZE! South Sudan campaign to Condomize! The moonlight approach in targeted bars
CONDOMIZE! South Sudan campaign to Condomize! The moonlight approach in targeted bars

Using the moonlight approach to engage key population with HIV prevention messages and condom distribution in Juba city in South Sudan has yielded some results towards reduction on new HIV infections. 


The national HIV prevalence for adults is estimated at 2.1% (2021) translated into 173,000 people living with HIV. The epidemic is continuing to expand with an estimated 17,000 new infections in 2021 and number of annual deaths reported at 8,000 which is a considerable burden for a fragile health system. 


Among the key issues highlighted behind the increase in HIV infections include Lack of information on preventive measures among the population, limited access to quality condoms, non-adherence to treatment among and others. In efforts to combat new infections of HIV, CONDOMIZE campaign is among the several preventive interventions have been put in place.  

CONDOMIZE! South Sudan campaign together with South Sudan Aids Commission and other members through the leadership of Ministry of Health with funding from UNFPA, IHO coordinates CONDOMIZE! It is an innovative and effective approach that engages communities focusing on attraction rather than promotion to draw its audience. It focuses on demand generation and promotion of condoms in the country and enable the country to harness the full potential of the condom as an effective and a cost-effective option and to maximize their contribution in averting HIV infections, improving maternal and reproductive health outcomes.


The CONDOMIZE! Campaign uses information that is grounded in evidence and attracts and captivates its audience using intense color, creative performances and engaging in entertainment activities. The aim is to reduce stigma associated with condoms and enhance access to quality condoms, when people need them and in places where they feel the most comfortable gaining that access.


Following a burn to the conventional condom distribution and promotion outreaches by the Ministry of Health due to covid19 outbreak, IHO adopted the MOONLIGHT approach to continue distribution of condoms and create awareness among the key population. The approach targeted busy bars and entertainment spots since they were allowed to operate. The bars bring together different individuals including young people for leisure and activities ran from 7pm to 10pm. 


“During this activity we ensure that entertainment is priotised to keep the congregation happy and in vibe and in between HIV preventive messages and condom use demonstration is done.  The approach was a success that even after the covid19 restrictions were lifted IHO continued using the approach up to date” says IHO staff