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Inclusive and Transformative Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (transform)

Inclusive and Transformative Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (transform)
Inclusive and Transformative Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (transform)



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UNFPA South South


Inclusive and Transformative Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (transform)

Publication date

19 March 2025

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This project is aimed at improving sexual reproductive health and enjoyment of SRH rights by women, girls, including vulnerable populations, persons with disabilities, and in displaced communities. In a targeted approach, individuals, and communities, especially those with single or multiple vulnerabilities, will be reached through existing coordination mechanisms at grassroots levels, such as women groups, youth groups, community chiefs, religious institutions, and local community gatherings. These groups and other contextually relevant influencers act as critical touchpoints in conveying sexual and reproduc- tive health and information, given their standing within the communities.

This project investment is expected to reach over 1 million people in the three states covered by the project with sexual and reproductive health and rights information and services. It is expected that
three thousand (3,000) women and girls will benefit directly from the project to exercise their sexual
and reproductive health and rights. 900 men and boys will be supported to promote and advocate for women and girls to access rights based SRH services and to promote gender equality. Moreover, 600 community leaders and influencers, comprising both men (40%) and women (60%), will be reached with messages to enable them to address discriminatory gender and social norms. This investment will also support an enabling environment through decision-making structures at the community level for women and girls including those in displaced settlements and persons with disabilities to access services.

This new TRANSFORM project is distinct from the existing Canada-funded initiative on human resourc- es for sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and gender-based violence in South Sudan (HR4SRH). While the latter focuses on bolstering the public healthcare system to deliver SRH services, TRANS- FORM takes a community-centric approach. Specifically, TRANSFORM aims to empower women and girls to assert their bodily autonomy and demand access to SRH services.