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South Sudan 2021 Annual Report

South Sudan 2021 Annual Report
South Sudan 2021 Annual Report


UNFPA South Sudan

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UNFPA South Sudan Country Office

Annual Report

South Sudan 2021 Annual Report

Publication date

01 January 2022

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As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 pandemic so is South Sudan. There are some unprecedented human fatalities in addition to the physical and psychological impact of the pandemic, includ- ing joblessness, isolation, domestic violence, among others.
Additionally, widespread flooding in areas along the Nile and Lol rivers, and in Sudd marshlands displaced more than 800 thousand of the population; with a severe impact on the already struggling population, especially women and girls.
Through it all, UNFPA with the support of its partners, worked to ensure the continuity of service delivery, especially ensuring that the rights, safety, and dignity of women and girls are protected at all times.
With women and girls constituting the larger percentage of the flood-affected victims, UNFPA moved to ensure the availability of essential materials including dignity kits - menstrual pads, bathing soap, multiple pairs of underwear, sanitary napkins, flashlight among other essentials- to enhance their safety, promote basic hygiene, enable access to humanitarian services, and guarantee their mobility.
During the year, midwives with the support of UNFPA continued to provide health informa- tion and services to women and girls at health facilities, in the communities and paid home visits to pregnant women. Where face-to-face contact with mothers was not possible, consultation by phone call took place.
Our supported Women and Girls Friendly Spaces were also active throughout to help women develop their skills and capacities in income-generating activities, to become economically self-sufficient as part of our GBV risk-mitigating factors. The GBV One-Stop centres continued to provide integrated medical, psychological and legal assistance to GBV survivors. While women and girls 

suffering from gender-based violence and who could not go out to seek help, also received round-the-clock psychosocial counseling, referrals, and legal guidance for GBV survivors through the national toll-free helpline #623.

Amidst reports of rising teen pregnancies, our youth networks stepped up and stepped out to reach fellow young people through youth-friendly corners and community-based activities, including condom distribution, and HIV testing.

UNFPA also coordinated and led the partner- ship support to South Sudan to conduct a Population Estimation Survey (PES). The main objective of the 2021 PES is to provide the most current estimates of population at the State and County levels, for the Republic of South Sudan to be used for evidence-based decision making.

Albeit, the continued impact of COVID-19 on every aspect of our lives including the country’s healthcare delivery system, we continued to make bold strides in ensuring rights and choices for all,