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Annual Report 2022 - UNFPA South Sudan

Annual Report 2022 - UNFPA South Sudan
Annual Report 2022 - UNFPA South Sudan


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UNFPA South Sudan

Annual Report

Annual Report 2022 - UNFPA South Sudan

Publication date

03 May 2023

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South Sudan is tipping towards enduring peace, tangi- ble progress, and inclusive prosperity. Our shared conviction is the eminent unveiling of a nation whose enormous potential and rebirth affirms the vision and aspirations of her people in their collective and consci- entious patriotism.

To realize healthy, empowered, and resilient communi- ties, UNFPA enriched the architecture for disaster risk management in South Sudan through integration of life-saving reproductive health and protection innova- tions across the humanitarian, development, and peace nexus.

We are grateful to the Government of South Sudan, donors, our partners, and stakeholders for the collab- oration that delivered tremendous results over the last four years when we rolled out the Government of South Sudan/ UNFPA 3rd Country Programme (2019-2022).

Together, we pushed back against unprecedented challenges including the Covid-19 pandemic and the impact of global mega trends like climate change and achieved milestones in cushioning communities against preventable maternal deaths, the unmet need for family planning and all forms of gender-based violence. Our joint interventions have brought back hope and smiles to those we are privileged to serve. These results have given us the necessary validation

and inspiration to commence the Government South Sudan / UNFPA 4th Country Programme t resonates with the Revised National Developm Strategy (R-NDS) 2021- 2024 which aims to catal the progressive transition from humanitarian sustainable development priorities including enhan programme delivery through localization partne with national actors.

Building on the secure foundation, we will now st towards achieving universal access to sexual reproductive health and realization of reproduc rights and accelerated implementation of Programme of Action of the International Confere on Population and Development and thereby cont ute towards the achievement of the national priori and the 2030 Agenda.

We look forward to continued collaboration and p nerships to deliver more and better results in the ye ahead for the women, the girls, and the young peo in South Sudan. We will ensure inclusivity to reach ensure no one is left behind. Our pledge is to delive world where every pregnancy is wanted, every ch birth is safe and every young person's potentia fulfilled.

Dr. Ademola Olajide, UNFPA Representative
