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Transforming Lives - For Women and Girl’s Health and Dignity

Transforming Lives - For Women and Girl’s Health and Dignity
Transforming Lives - For Women and Girl’s Health and Dignity


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UNFPA South Sudan

Annual Report

Transforming Lives - For Women and Girl’s Health and Dignity

Publication date

12 June 2024

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Dear Esteemed readers,

It is our pleasure to share with you the UNFPA South Sudan Country Office 2023 Annual Report titled, Transforming Lives- For Women and Girl’s Health and Dignity.”

The past year had a myriad of challenges ranging from the Sudan crises to natural challenges, despite these, with the hard work of our CO colleagues and implementing partners, the Government, and the continued support of donors as well as the Regional Office and the Headquarters, we soldiered with work and achieve results.

I wish you a perfect reading!